The ball valve is a quarter-turn valve using a perforated and rotating ball with holes in order to control the flow in. The globe closes and opens the flow by rotating 90 ° on the liquid flow axis and the hole (holes) are positioned as open or closed. They are available as Floating Ball, Trunnion ball and Lined Ball.
Genel Sistem Dizayni provides solutions with the brands of Emerson, JC, Newco Cameron and Walworth for Floating Ball and Trunnion Ball. For Lined Ball, we also have solutions with Swissfluid and Emerson.
Emerson Floating Ball portfolio is suitable for many processes. There are soft lining designs to provide superior leakage. Metal seated valves for rigid closing are designed to prevent the performance of your process from high temperatures to cryogenic environments.
Emerson Trunnion Ball valves can be used in almost every sector for the hardest processes. It has a perfect soft seat design for sealing. Besides that, there are also metal seat valves that have high abrasion resistance and provides superior performance in high temperatures.
Walworth Trunnion Ball valves are used in the “oil and gas” industry in order to perform “block and bleed” service. But their fields of usage are not limited to this. They are used in many areas of the industry.
Walworth Floating Ball valves are used in chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas industry. Walworth reduces the pressure loss to minimum levels and proposes floating ball valves to provide positive closing.
JC Floating Ball valves offer solutions in ASME and DIN norms. They are used in many applications according to their housing, body and inner trim materials.
JC Trunnion Ball valves are metal seated valves and are separated as forged and cast. It has many application fields and differs according to this variation.
Newco Floating Ball valves have full bore and reduced port types. It has a wide field of use.
Newco Trunnion Ball valves are full bore valves. They have a very wide application range with soft seat and metal seat.
Swissfluid Lined Ball valves are used in many applications such as chemical, pharmaceutical, paper and mining industry.
Swissfluid valves can be manufactured of cast steel or stainless steel with 2 pieces PTFE, epoxy coated bodies as per their purpose of use.
Emerson Lined Ball valves are used in chemical, petrochemical, pulp & paper, mining and other applications with PTFE, PFA and TFM coated materials to provide corrosion resistance.