High-Performance Butterfly Valves

High-Performance Butterfly valves can also be used as control valves.

Genel Sistem Dizayni provides high-performance butterfly valve solutions with Emerson Fisher, Emerson Keystone and Emerson Vanessa.

Emerson Fisher’s high-performance butterfly valves provide a rigid closing and can be used for many pressure and temperature conditions including cryogenic applications.

Emerson Keystone high-performance double eccentric butterfly valves resist pressure in order to support sealing with its unique design and so can easily maintain sealing in high and low pressures.

Emerson Vanessa’s high-performance triple eccentric butterfly valves have a solid integrated body valve housing and optimized sitting angles. Emerson Vanessa butterfly valves can make isolation and process control with their multi functionality.

Fisher™ 8532 High Performance Butterfly Valve

Fisher™ 8560 High Performance Butterfly Valve

Fisher™ 8580 High Performance Butterfly Valve

Fisher™ 8590 High Performance Butterfly Valve

Fisher™ A11 High Performance Butterfly Valve

Fisher™ A31D Double-Flange Butterfly Valve

Fisher™ Control-Disk™ Rotary Valve

Keystone Figure 310-312 High Performance Butterfly Valve

Keystone Figure 360-362 and 370-372 K-LOK High Performance Butterfly Valve

Keystone Series 36-37 High Performance Butterfly Valves

Keystone Series HiLok High Performance Butterfly Valves

Keystone Series V30-V32 High Performance Butterfly Valves

Keystone WINN Hi-Seal High Performance Butterfly Valve